Guna S. and Robert Mundheim
Guna S. and Robert Mundheim
The Mundheims wish to support Latvia’s brightest Biology and Chemistry students.
The Mundheim Family Scholarship
For UL Biology and Chemistry Department's best Bachelor's degree graduate who is further pursuing a Master’s degree in Chemistry or Biology.
Amount of the scholarship per academic year 3 000 EUR
- 2021-2022 academic year recipient - Elizabete Grinblate
- 2020-2021 academic year recipients - Henrijs Dzelme and Katrīna Kūkuma
- 2019-2020 academic year recipients - Laura Ansone and Rimants Zogota
- 2018-2019 academic year recipient - Eva Emilija Cesle
- 2017-2018 academic year recipient - Aija Trimdale
- 2014-2015 academic year recipient - Elina Cernooka
- 2013-2014 academic year recipients - Martins Balodis and Juris Kibilds
Opportunity to donate
Business Idea Foundation
The Business Idea Foundation is a philanthropic organization that works to provide young entrepreneurs with an education and practical business experience. In addition, the foundation wishes to stimulate an active entrepreneurial culture in university communities.
In 2014, the Mundheims donated USD 1,000
UL “Letter House” and Academic Quad
The UL “Letter House” is planned to house 8 departments and over 11,000 students. The “Letter House” will have a floor space of 32,000 m2, spread out over 7 floors. The Academic Quad covers an area of 5,000m2. The work will begin in 2018 and construction in 2019. The Academic Quad will connect the three new UL buildings - “Nature House”, “Science House”, “Letter House”.
In 2017, the Mundheim donated 1,265 EUR to this project.
In 2019, the Mundheim donated USD 56,000 for the creation of the Mundheim Family Art Gallery at the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art of the University of Latvia, at the House of Letters of the University of Latvia.