Roberts Blumbergs
Roberts Blumbergs
“Despite the thousands of kilometers, it is important for Latvian Americans to feel connected to Latvia. By donating to outstanding students and important projects, this link is created. Through my support, I feel as if I am in Latvia everyday.”
Andrejs Pildegovics Scholarship
UL “Diplomat” graduate program students
Amount of the scholarship per academic year 1700 EUR
- 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 academic years recipient - Diana Kazina
- 2015-2016 academic year recipient - Ilze Andzane
- 2014-2015 academic year recipient - Ieva Krekovska
- 2013-2014 academic year recipient - Sintija Lejniece
- 2012-2013 academic year recipient - Ilze Melgalva
Opportunity to donate
Ilana Diamond Roverner's Guest lecture series at the University of Latvia Law department
2011 – The guest lecturer spoke about law enforcement and the legal system in the United States. This gave University of Latvia students the opportunity to ask questions about the workings of the US legal system and about practicing law in another country. Roberts Blumbergs donated 1 388,44 EUR to this project.
Support for the UL Programming Team Participation in the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest
This is the longest running and most prestigious programming competition with students coming from around the world to participate. The University of Latvia Computing Faculty sends their best students to participate. This allows the students gain an unique experience that will help them in their future.
2012 - The University of Latvia students participated in a training camp in Petrozavodska, Russia to prepare for the competition. This was made possible with Roberts Blumbergs's donation of 2 842,90 EUR
2013 - Donation sum - EUR 3 078,46
2016 - Donation sum - EUR 878,04
2018 - Support for LU students' participation in the global programming competition ACM ICPC finals in Beijing. Donation sum - USD 2000.
Support for other projects
2017 - support for the symposium of the project "Structural Similarity Topological Modeling: Topological and Experimental Analysis of Information Visualization". Donation sum - USD 1,530.
2019 - donated 1,815 euros for the support of cognitive sciences at the University of Latvia and 1,361 euros for the development of the dental program at the Medical Faculty of the University of Latvia.