Valija and Modris Galenieks
Valija and Modris Galenieks
Thanks to a successful life, the Galenieks Family enjoy both retirement and the ability to support Latvian organizations.
The Galenieks family Scholarship for engineering students
For undergraduate students of the Riga Technical University Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Transport and Aeronautics.
Amount of the scholarship per academic year 1 000 EUR
- 2019-2020 academic year recipients - Eliza Gaile and Nikita Kuzmins
- 2018-2019 academic year recipients - Martins Lulla, Arturs Mazurs and Nikita Kuzmins
Opportunity to donate
Support for the UL Programming Team Participation in the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest
In 2018, the finals were held in Pekin, China. The UL programming team placed 56th out of 140 teams. The money from donations helped the team pay for their training at an international camp, the price of participating at the tournament and their travel to Pekin. In 2017, the Galenieks donated 2,000 USD to this project.
Final International Cognitive Science Conference at the University of Latvia
In 2017, for the end of the project “Topological Simulation of Structural Similarity: Topological and Experimental Analysis of Information Visualization”, an international conference was held at the University of Latvia. The Galenieks donated 2,000 USD to this project